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Innovec’s 2023: A Year in Review and Plans for the Future

Innovec’s 2023: A Year in Review and Plans for the Future

Dear Customer,


As 2023 draws to a close, I wanted to write to you to thank you for your business over the last 12 months and provide a quick overview of what, whilst successful, has not been without its challenges.


Like many of you, we are a growing local business, and we believe we have grown because of our commitment to our core values: hard work, excellent customer service, and continued investment in our team and local community.


However, with growth comes challenges. We are always keen to listen to our customers and welcome feedback and, while many of our customers have been very complimentary, we acknowledge that some of our customers may have experienced extended wait times and delays in our service delivery.


Largely, our challenges have been down to recruitment over the year. In order to maintain our quality and local approach, we need to not only ensure that we have the right number of people, but more importantly, the right people.


I am glad to say that after a lot of time and effort, we have managed to recruit a number of excellent additions to our team who have already made a positive impact on our service levels, and look set to do so further in 2024, the team are all working hard to continually improve our service and your experience.



So, what’s next?


Now that we have the correct team in place, we are working on how we ensure that excellent service levels are maintained.


Thinking back to the ‘old days’ a few years ago when we had a smaller team and fewer customers; that worked well because we were close to our customers and the smaller team made communication flow more easily.


We have been listening to you, our customers, and realise that our success has been built on providing a high level of service but with a focus on providing as personal a service as possible. So, we are going to split the current team into smaller teams with each team responsible for managing a smaller number of customers.


For you this means a smaller number of engineers to speak to (3 or 4), which should make it easier for our team to know your systems and people so that they can offer a closer, more dedicated service, while always having the backup from the larger team if necessary.


We are testing this over the next couple of months and, when finalised, we will communicate who ‘your’ team are and when this is going live.


Nothing will change in how you contact us or deal with us, we’ve been working on our systems so we can manage that invisibly to you.


We would love to hear your feedback on this change, any concerns you have or ideas on how we could improve our service.


All that is left is for me to thank you again for your business and patience, assure you of our commitment moving forward, and wish you all the best for 2024 when it comes.




Iain Wham

Managing Director

Innovec Ltd

Expert IT Support and IT Services

Innovec provide services across Ayrshire and Glasgow.